Sunt necesare eforturi conjugate pentru a asigura protecţia efectivă a drepturilor omului pentru persoanele care locuiesc în regiunea transnistreană, a declarat Thomas Hammarberg, Comisarul CoE pentru Drepturile Omului.
Raportul Comisarului Hammarberg a urmat primei sale vizite în regiunea transnistreană a Republicii Moldova.
Raportul Comisarului Hammarberg a urmat primei sale vizite în regiunea transnistreană a Republicii Moldova.
Hammarberg reports on human rights in Transnistrian region
Hammarberg reports on human rights in Transnistrian region
Sustained efforts are needed to ensure the effective protection of human rights of people living in the Transnistrian region, Thomas Hammarberg declared today.
Hammarberg’s report followed his first ever visit to the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, during which he met with the de facto authorities, including the new leader Yevgeny Shevchuk and representatives of NGOs and human rights structures.
Issues discussed included the functioning of the Latin-script schools in the region. The Commissioner urged the de facto authorities to remove all the impediments preventing the normal functioning of these educational institutions.