Comisia Europeană a adoptat Programul anual de acţiune 2011 pentru Moldova în valoare de € 78.6 milioane pentru sprijinirea ţării în sectorul energetic şi cel al justiţiei. Într-un comunicat de presă a fost declarat că pachetul, aprobat la 13 iulie, ar putea ajuta la promovarea cercetării potenţialului de energie regenerabilă în Republica Moldova şi să sprijini campanii de sensibilizare a opiniei publice privind eficienţa energetică şi energia regenerabilă..
În sectorul justiţiei, asistenţa care urmează să fie furnizată prin intermediul Instrumentului European de Vecinătate şi Parteneriat (ENPI) va contribui la îmbunătăţirea eficienţei sistemului de justiţie, de exemplu, prin oferirea expertizei cu privire la modul în care să fie instituită o Autoritate de Coordonare a Sistemului de Justiţie
Štefan Füle, Comisarul European pentru Extindere şi Politica Europeană de Vecinătate, a declarat: "Decizia de astăzi confirmă angajamentul nostru deplin în continuarea susţinerii eforturilor Republicii Moldova pentru obţinerea rezultatelor concrete în procesul de reformare şi pentru a ajuta ţara să se apropie de Uniunea Europeană" .
Programul anual de acţiune 2011 pentru Republica Moldova include următoarele patru componente:
- Programul de sprijin strategic în domeniul industriei energetice, concentrându-se asupra reformei sectorului energetic.
- Programul de sprijin pentru sectorul justiţiei.
- Programul masurilor de incredere menit a ajuta la soluţionarea conflictului transnistrean prin dezvoltarea socio-economică a comunităţilor locale.
- Program-cadru pentru susţinerea Republicii Moldova în pregătirea şi punerea în aplicare a noilor relaţii contractuale cu UE (Acordul de Asociere, ZLAC şi dialog privind liberalizarea vizelor).
Today, the Commission adopted the Annual Action Programme 2011 for the Republic of Moldova, worth €78.6 million. The funding will contribute to the country's development in the energy and justice sector. On energy, the programme will promote for instance the research into renewable energy potential in Moldova and support public awareness campaigns on energy efficiency and renewable energy. In the justice sector, the adopted assistance package will contribute to improve efficiency of the justice system for example through providing advice and expertise on the creation of a Justice Sector Coordination Body.
Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, commented: "Today's decision confirms our full commitment to continue supporting the efforts of the Republic of Moldova to achieve concrete results in its reform process and to help the country move closer to the European Union".
On the programme:
The Annual Action Programme 2011 for the Republic of Moldova is composed of the following four components:
1) A Sector Policy Support Programme on Energy, focussing on the reform of the energy sector. It will support the government's efforts towards further progress on the implementation of a Moldovan energy strategy. It will support research into renewable energy potential in Moldova and public awareness on energy efficiency and renewable energy.
2) A Support programme to the justice sector, which aims to accelerate sustainable reform of the justice sector and to increase the efficiency of the justice system.
3) A Confidence Building Measures programme intended to facilitate the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict through ensuring the economic and social development of local communities. Furthermore it will contribute to economic rapprochement between the two banks of the Nistru River and to empower local actors and to foster civil society in Transnistria.
4) A Framework Programme to support the Republic of Moldova in the preparation and implementation of new contractual relations with the EU (Association Agreement, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area and Visa Liberalisation Dialogue).
Deep and comprehensive free trade areas (DCFTA) are a new generation of Free Trade Agreements providing for the fullest possible liberalisation of not only trade in goods, but also trade in services and investment, as well as extensive regulatory convergence on issues like technical standards, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, protection of intellectual property, public procurement, energy-related issues, competition, customs etc. These DCFTAs also foresee deep regulatory approximation with the trade-related EU acquis.
This €78.6 million allocation is provided through the EU's European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which sets aside assistance funds annually to the Republic of Moldova and 16 other partner states along the EU's Eastern and Southern borders. The overarching aim of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) is to create an area of shared values, stability and prosperity, enhanced cooperation and deeper economic and regional integration by covering a wide range of cooperation areas.
In addition to ENPI assistance funds, the Republic of Moldova also receives further support from the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights and other thematic programmes.