Dionis Cenușa, Efectele pandemiei - între solidaritatea UE și reziliența vecinilor estici, Op-Ed:
Răspunsurile UE la coronaviroză necesită o angajare eficientă cu Moldova, Ucraina și Georgia - prin lărgirea comunicării politice și sectoriale, facilitarea accesului la echipament medical european și revizuirea agendelor de asociere pentru a reflecta nevoile sanitare în perioada post-COVID...
Citește mai mult: https://www.ipn.md/ro/revista-ipn-a-evenimentelor-si-tendintelor-politice-16-22-7978_1072368.html#ixzz6HnqV5nKt
On the effects of the Pandemic – between European solidarity and the Eastern neighbourhood's resilience, Op-Ed
EU responses to coronavirus require effective engagement with Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia - by broadening political and sectoral communication, facilitating access to European medical equipment and revising association agendas to reflect health needs in the post-Covid period .
Citește mai mult: https://www.ipn.md/en/pandemics-effects-between-european-solidarity-and-eastern-neighbourhoods-7978_1072368.html#ixzz6HnpF9yaz
Dionis Cenușa, Efectele pandemiei - între solidaritatea UE și reziliența vecinilor estici, Op-Ed:

Citește mai mult: https://www.ipn.md/ro/revista-ipn-a-evenimentelor-si-tendintelor-politice-16-22-7978_1072368.html#ixzz6HnqV5nKt
On the effects of the Pandemic – between European solidarity and the Eastern neighbourhood's resilience, Op-Ed
EU responses to coronavirus require effective engagement with Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia - by broadening political and sectoral communication, facilitating access to European medical equipment and revising association agendas to reflect health needs in the post-Covid period .
Citește mai mult: https://www.ipn.md/en/pandemics-effects-between-european-solidarity-and-eastern-neighbourhoods-7978_1072368.html#ixzz6HnpF9yaz